About Us
BRDS is a Balochistan-based non-government and non-profit organization for development. Registered under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance 1961 in 2005, it aims at mitigating poverty of the poorest of the poor by empowering them socially and economically. Since its inception, BRDS has been proactively involved in the social and economic development of the ultra-poor and vulnerable people in districts of Balochistan with poor indicators and alarmingly lower human development index (HDI).
BRDS employs a range of locally-appropriate and tailor-made strategies to eradicate poverty of the poverty-stricken people on-a-sustainable-basis. They entail, among others, capacity building, training, awareness raising, campaigning, advocacy, as well as service delivery.
By adopting the tool of social mobilization and approach of participatory development, BRDS has been able to increase livelihood opportunities and thereby reduce poverty of the rural communities.
In addition, BRDS plays a pivotal role in the event of a natural calamity and / or disaster. It instigates its emergency and relief operations within 48 hours and extends a helping hand to different humanitarian agencies and the government to contain the losses to the minimal. Being aware of the humanitarian challenges, BRDS attaches great importance to the humanitarian accountability principles (HAP) and replicates them in all its activities and interventions.
Thematic Areas
These are the thematic areas that BRDS is working in.
Women Empowerment
- Trade information dissemination.
- Skill enhancement of the women.
- Modernized embroidery techniques.
- Linkage with markets.
Poverty Eradication
- Establish community based organizations.
- Enhance capacity of the community organizations.
- Mobilize communities to plan and undertake their own development.
- Develop community physical infrastructure
WASH & Infrastructure
- Develop water supply schemes.
- Provision of latrines, hand washing and bathing places, drainage, and solid waste disposal systems.
- Provision of WASH facilities in BHUs and schools.
- Develop irrigation, transportation, and flood protection infrastructure of poor community.
Networks and Alliances
BRDS is a member of the following networks, alliances and consortium:
- Balochistan Development Consortium
- Pakistan Coalition of Education
- Youth Advocacy Network
- Human Resource Development Network
- National Humanitarian Network
- Gender Based Violence Network Balochistan
- Alliance for Social Mobilization Balochistan
- Balochistan Education Forum
- Green Member of WWF
- Conduct free medical camps.
- Commence long-term primary and reproductive health programs, focusing primarily on women and children.
- Improve and rehabilitate BHUs and other health centers to ensure provision of health services to the poor and needy.
- Build capacity of health staff in the province to ensure effectiveness of their services.
- Spread awareness about health among community members.
- Dissemination of information of technology.
- Building capacity of the school teachers to improve quality of teaching and children’s effective learning.
- Rehabilitation and maintenance of schools’ infrastructure to reduce drop-out among children.
- Introduction of innovative technologies and approaches to improve children’s ability to read and write.
- Development and provision of reading and schooling material.
Relief services
- Rehabilitation and reconstruction of shelters, health units, schools, WATSAN facilities, agriculture and irrigation schemes.
- Provision of immediate life-saving services to affected people to reduce suffering and bring relief.
- Distribution of food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and utility supplies.
With the passage of time, BRDS has been trying to strengthen its capabilities and plan to move towards institutionalization. In the process, BRDS has got registered with the following departments.
- Pakistan Philanthropist Center (PCP)
- Employee Old Age Benefit (EOBI)
- Balochistan Testing Board (TTB)
- World Wide Fund (WWF)
- Federal Board Of Revenue (FBR)
- SAFRAN – Pakistan