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Capacity Building


Since 2005, BRDS have been implemented many projects and conducted nearly, 4000 various staff, technical, vocational and community development (ID) workshops and trained nearly 19950 men & women beneficiaries. The focused areas were Quetta, Dera Bugti, Kalat, Sibi, Naseerabad, Jafarabad, Harnai, Bolan, and Suhbat Pur. BRDS also has the mechanism of staff capacity building trainings in the office.


S.# Training Names Number of  Trained Beneficiaries Total
Male Female
1 Staff Trainings 650 400 250 650
2 Community Activists/CRPs, (Men, Women) 400 300 100 400
3 Vocational Trainings (Men, Women) 3500 2000 2500 3500
4 Technical Trainings (Men, Women) 400 300 100 400
5 Community Members 15000 8000 7000 15000
Total 11000 9950 19950