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Information regarding jobs and consultancy would be provided on this page.

Hiring of Consultant

BRDS is Balochistan based local organization working in Balochistan, BRDS currently, implementing PPAF project, RSS&CR in two respective districts Union Council Tajpur & Qaboola in District Jaffarabad & Usta Mohammad and seeking the services of experienced consultant for the implementation of Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (MHVCA) in Union Council Tajpur & Qaboola in District Jaffarabad & Usta Mohammad.TOR is uploaded in the BRDS website http://www.brds-balochistan.org and Submission Deadline 15 days after advertisement of this TORs for the hiring of individual consultants. Interested consultants are requested to download the TOR and submit required documents as mentioned below.

Interested candidates should submit the following:

· A detailed technical proposal outlining approach and methodology.

· A financial proposal.

· CV and relevant experience.

· Examples of previous similar work.

(Download Terms of Reference MHVCA)                  (Download Annex-1)


Qualified & Experienced Trainer required for O&M Training program in District Naseerabad

Baluchistan Rural Development Society (BRDS) Is implementing PPAF-BRDCC Project in UC Chattar in district Naseerabad under the financial sport of PPAF-NDRMF. An experience trainer will be required to provide best training programs to trained the 0&M committees for the sustainability of flood protective works. For this purpose, BRDS is seeking for an experienced trainer Male/female who should know the technical aspects of schemes with respect to O&M committee responsibilities and train the target community members on Operation & Maintenance (O&M) so that committees will be able to work for the safety and sustainability of proposed flood protected schemes. The trainer will develop a detailed and interactive training modules/training sessions. These sessions will be equipped with background material for the delivery of a training workshop.

The interested trainers are requested to submit their CVs along with proposal for the proposed training programs at hrm.brds@gmail.com. The deadline of the submission of CVs and proposals is 10-September -2021.

(Click here to download)

Name of Training: Operation & Maintenance

Number of Training: 3

Male: 2

Female: 1

Vacancy Announcement

Staff and Trainers Required

(Click here to download full advertisement with details and requirements.)

In the collaboration with TVET Sector Support Programme for delivery of technical and vocational training programmes “Skill Enhancement & Employment Development (SEED)”, a well reputed organization requires the services of highly motivated and certified experience staff members for the workplace-based training workshop projects to be conducted at Sibi district. Eligible candidates may submit their CVs on following email. Deadline for the submission of CV is February-15-2021, via e-mail address: jobshr874@gmail.com. Late submission of CVs will not be considered at all. All hiring will be made on the merit basis. No TA/DA will be admissible.



Work-for-Skills Internship Program (WSIP)
Program Brief

Under the Work-for-Skills component of Ba-Ikhtiyar Naujawan Internship Program, 40,000 paid internships will be awarded to young graduates in public, private and development sector organizations of Pakistan for a duration of 6 months. Interns will
receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 25,000-40,000 conditional upon the timely completion and submission of their monthly deliverables. Upon the successful completion of their internship, interns will be awarded an internship certificate by their host organization and by the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives.

Candidates can apply to the Work-for-Skills Internship Program (WSIP) and the Build-for- Skills Internship Program (BSIP) simultaneously. However, candidates selected for one program will be excluded from the selection process of the other program.


  1. Nationality: Pakistani
  2. Level of education: Minimum 16 years of education or higher. Minimum 14 years of education permissible for flood-affected regions, Balochistan, rural Sindh, South Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s merged districts
  3. End date of last degree: Last degree completed within 2 years of the last date of internship application
  4. Employment status: Currently unemployed
  5. Age limit: 30 years


(Click here to download)


Qualified & Experienced Trainer required for O&M Training program in District Naseerabad

Baluchistan Rural Development Society (BRDS) Is implementing PPAF-BRDCC Project in UC Chattar in district Naseerabad under the financial sport of PPAF-NDRMF. An experience trainer will be required to provide best training programs to trained the 0&M committees for the sustainability of flood protective works. For this purpose, BRDS is seeking for an experienced trainer Male/female who should know the technical aspects of schemes with respect to O&M committee responsibilities and train the target community members on Operation & Maintenance (O&M) so that committees will be able to work for the safety and sustainability of proposed flood protected schemes. The trainer will develop a detailed and interactive training modules/training sessions. These sessions will be equipped with background material for the delivery of a training workshop.

The interested trainers are requested to submit their CVs along with proposal for the proposed training programs at hrm.brds@gmail.com. The deadline of the submission of CVs and proposals is 10-September -2021.

(Click here to download)

Name of Training: Operation & Maintenance

Number of Training: 3

Male: 2

Female: 1

Vacancy Announcement

Staff and Trainers Required

(Click here to download full advertisement with details and requirements.)

In the collaboration with TVET Sector Support Programme for delivery of technical and vocational training programmes “Skill Enhancement & Employment Development (SEED)”, a well reputed organization requires the services of highly motivated and certified experience staff members for the workplace-based training workshop projects to be conducted at Sibi district. Eligible candidates may submit their CVs on following email. Deadline for the submission of CV is February-15-2021, via e-mail address: jobshr874@gmail.com. Late submission of CVs will not be considered at all. All hiring will be made on the merit basis. No TA/DA will be admissible.