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WASH Training Program


Thanks to UNICEF,UNOCHA,USAID and Concern world wide for Assisting BRDS in the implementation of WASH projects in Bolan,Mach,Sibi,Lahri,Kalat,Naseerabad , Jafarabad and Suhbat Pur in order to facilitate flood victims. Fallowing achievement were made during the projects period.


S.# District Target HH Men Women Sessions Kits H.Pums PFLs Ponds
1 Mach 1000 450 550 1000 1000 100 100 2
2 Kalat 1000 400 600 1000 1000 75 500
3 Sibi 1500 700 800 1500 1500 400
4 Naseerabad 7000 3400 3600 7000 7000 2000 1500 50
5 Jafarabad/Suhbat Pur 3000 1400 1500 3000 3000 700 500 30